STATUS: Working today via my parents’ brand new wifi system that they installed just so I could work while visiting them. Think that’s a hint to visit more often? Have wifi, have instant office. After 5 p.m. tonight, I’m looking forward to a great long weekend with the fam here in Saint Louis. And just so folks aren’t worried, yes, Chutney came with. She’s a trooper on airplanes.
What song is playing on the iPod right now? Dad has the stereo on. He’s listening to the MY FAIR LADY Soundtrack.
Tsk. Tsk.
It looks like a very naughty scam agent by the name of Barbara Bauer thinks she can intimidate a watch dog group from posting her on a list of the 20worstagents.
I think I’m a little late to this party and y’all have probably already heard all the details over at Miss Snark etc. but just in case, I want Absolute Write to know that I support its effort to protect writers by providing links on my blog as well.
So, here’s where the story starts on Teresa Hayden’s blog when Absolute Write’s ISP was pulled.
The good news is that AW is up and running again at a new home.
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The ironic thing is, before Barbara Bauer, I wasn’t signed up to AbsoluteWrite. I am now.
Thanks for the website info.
Have a great weekend!
Kristen, enjoy your weekend! Thanks for sticking up for AW and Jenna. She doesn’t have the boards back up yet, just the web site.
I haven’t been able to get through to the new site. Is anybody else having trouble? Maybe just a lot of people trying to get in at once.
Have a terrific weekend, Agent Kristin!
Enjoy time with the family. Does Chutney ride in business class? Kick back with a small cocktail, put his paws up?
I went to school in St. Louis. It is a pretty great city! Enjoy your visit!
M. G. Tarquini, did you get a new picture?
Thanks so much for posting about this, Kristin!
M.G. Tarquini –
I think they’re still experiencing some bugs, glitches, technical difficulties, or whatever you want to call them.
Agent Kristin –
Thank you for your posting.
(an AW moderator)
(P.S. I have to add this – totally off-topic. Word verification for posting: “zwopp” – sounds like a SF-ish sound to me. 🙂 )
Keep in mind that the ISP has behaved even more badly. They’re the ones who supposedly freaked out and pulled the plug abruptly. But oddly, one of the people involved on the ISP side chooses this week to set up a similar site?! All very fishy….
M.g. Tarquini–
Either the link is broken or the site is down. I can’t get on either.
The story is now a musical:
Beverage alert!
Yes. This is a crop down from Family Photo with Twins taken about 9 years ago. I call it my Realtor photo because it makes me look like I’m about to list your house. But it beat out the Slightly Drunk and Sleepless after 48 Hours at a Writers’ Conference photo which formerly graced my blog.
I need a better photo.
And some really good photoshop.
I can’t get the new website.
Thanks for your post about Barbara Bauer. It’s been amazing to see how concerted an effort the blogging world has been making to expose this woman.
The person at AW’s previous web host, to which kendall refers, is one Stephanie Cordray. She pulled the plug on AW and the next day posted this smarmy nonsense about how there weren’t any good writing communities on the web and that’s why she needed to resurrect her little forum.
The people posting comments to her thread have not been amused.
Legitimate agent Barbara Braun has been confused with Barbara Bauer and is now listed on some of the postings as “worst agent” etc.
Working today via my parents’ brand new wifi system that they installed just so I could work while visiting them.
How cool are YOUR parents!