Pub Rants

Make That 8!

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STATUS: It’s supposed to snow again tomorrow. This could hinder our holiday card wrap up!

What’s playing on the iPod right now? I HEARD THE BELLS ON CHRISTMAS DAY by Harry Belafonte

You won’t believe what I did today. In fact, I can hardly believe it myself. I signed a new client. And that makes 8! Truly an agency record for the year.

I finished reading the manuscript last night and called the author first thing this morning. And here’s the funny part. I had to leave a message on the voicemail. I always feel a little silly saying “sorry to miss you but I’d like to offer representation so give me a call back.”

Still, that’s what the voicemail is for. I don’t think I’ve ever signed a client so late in the year. And I still have three more fulls to read by next Wednesday. I’d better get cracking.

I’ve been talking to a lot of editors this week. Most will be in next week but Thursday or Friday will be their last day in the office until the new year—that is unless they didn’t take holiday for those 3 days in between. My guess is that most will be out or working from home.

Me? I hope to be sitting on my couch eating the yummy treats my clients have sent my way (thank you!) and drinking holiday cheer (nod to Linnea) for two weeks but something tells me I’ll be tackling the new accounting system with the bookkeeper instead. Still, 2007 started off slow but it’s ending with a bang so I can’t wait to see what 2008 will bring.

12 Responses

  1. Liz said:


    For your 8 new clients, I would love to know what genre each of them were. Would you mind sharing?

    Thanks and happy holidays!

  2. Linnea said:

    I still find it a little unsettling that one of your clients has my name. Didn’t used to be too many of us outside of Sweden.

  3. Josephine Damian said:

    Linnea, when I first saw your name and gave you a shout out on Nathan’s blog, I confused you with that other Linnea, Kristen’s client, who is personally known to me (and facing a very hard deadline tomorrow). When I asked by buddy if she was you, she said, NO! There’s lots of Linnea’s out there!

    Who knew?

    Anyway, what a great X-mas present some writer is going to get when they check their voice mail.

  4. Stuart said:

    Ditto on the voice mail.

    The new client can faint, scream, go speechless, allwithout you even knowing. So by the time he calls you back, he’ll be all composed. Or she. Or it, if it’s a dog.

    And also ditto on the genre breakdown request.

  5. sylvia_rachel said:

    Gosh, I would love to get that voicemail message. I could keep it forever, and replay it for all my friends and relations 😉