What’s playing on the iPod right now? NICK OF TIME by Bonnie Raitt
As I mentioned yesterday, ALA Midwinter is happening in Denver this weekend. But what is ALA you might be asking. It stands for the American Library Association and this weekend is their midwinter conference. They also have an annual conference that happens in the summertime.
Midwinter is what the industry calls a “working” conference. Now all big conferences are work but what is meant by the term is that this conference is about the business of running ALA. There are many division and committee meetings.
Most important are the discussions that will determine the awards for the Printz, Newbery, and the Caldecott. These are not open to the public.
But many of the discussions are. For example, the Notable Children’s Books Committee and the BBYA, which stands for Best Books For Young Adults, are both discussions that anyone can attend.
In other words, I can sit in on librarian chats that will spotlight the books they are excited about and what they’ll be recommending to their young readers.
Heck yes.
And I’m definitely going to be at the BBYA presentation where members will be talking about one of my books that has been nominated: UNDONE by Brooke Taylor
Now the ALA midwinter conference does encompass the adult and children’s world but for whatever reason, the main emphasis tends to be on the children’s books. More to come as the conference unfolds.
I too have been lucky to find such a job wherein I write blog comments for a client and get paid handsomely for doing a job I enjoy doing.
Agent Kristen,
Will you be attending the March Colorado Independent Publishers’ Association Conference? It’s from Thursday 3/26 through Saturday 3/28.
I’ve often been confused how the Printz award nominations come about. I know Kristin doesn’t answer questions from the comments, but for anywone else:
Is the YALSA list (link on K’s post) also the pool from which the Printz nominations are chosen? So “Undone” has a shot at the Printz?
They narrow that big huge list down to 4-5 choices for the Printz nominations?
That sounds like fun! I always wanted to work for the library but haven’t been able to get a job there yet. Maybe someday…
I used to work for a company
back in high school and throughout summers during college that worked closely with libraries and supplying them eBooks and audiobooks. Many of the major libraries across the nation have their eBook supply through them and they attend the conferences all the time (I used to have to put together the gift packages and booklets for them). I’d still be working with them if I didn’t move three hours away…
Oops I rambled a bit
Anyway have fun at the conference!
Congrats to Brooke Taylor (and you, Ms. Nelson) for the UNDONE nomination!
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The Boulder area SCBWI group is planning an outing to the ALA conference to just check out the conference floor. My understanding is that it’s open to anyone for $25. We hope to just pick up a few catalogs and maybe some ARCs and see what’s going on. Perhaps we will see you there!
I believe the Black Caucus of the ALA also nominates for their awards too.
my editor told me my ARCs will be available at this conference. *faints*
undone looks very intriguing!!
Hi Kristin, First – many congratulations on your nomination at the BBYA presentation, and good luck.
It must be great to attend these events, and librarian chats. So much can be learnt.
I am a new children’s author, and my first book (for under 8’s) was published in the US in December 08.
I dream that one day my book will be noticed by someone like yourself, and at least become spoken about.
Thanks again for your very helpful site.
Irene J Harvey
Good luck at the conference!
I look forward to hearing more about it.