Pub Rants

Demon’s Lexicon Signing in S&S UK Booth

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And here is an extra blog shot of Sarah Rees Brennan’s signing for her debut. As a debut author, she had worried that no one would show up. As you can see, that wasn’t the case. Sarah twittered before the event to get the word out quickly.

10 Responses

  1. HeatherM said:

    Yah for Sarah! You go girl! If I had to put my money on a debut author drawing a crowd, it would absolutely be her. I can’t wait for her book to come out in the U.S.

  2. Miri said:

    Huge congrats! That looks like a good line.

    I’m already saving up money for this book. (The online sample chapter was brilliant.) I’ll be on it like white on rice as soon as it hits our shelves.

  3. Anonymous said:

    That is my nightmare. Book signing starring me and no one shows. I’m happy that didn’t happen to her!

  4. Sandy Lender said:

    Anon 1:26,
    Never fear! My first in-store signing started out slow. I write fantasy but live in a town where the median age is 65 (not kidding). So I just got out in front of my table and started shaking hands as they walked in. “Do your grandkids read Harry Potter? Oh, they’ll love my story.” Etc. So even if your shills don’t show up right away, you can create an audience/create some buzz around you and have a lovely signing after all.
    Sandy Lender