Pub Rants

Because It’s Cool!

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STATUS: Enjoyed a quiet day because of the Passover holiday. I caught up on a lot of emails.

What’s playing on the XM or iPod right now? CUTS LIKE A KNIFE by Bryan Adams

If you have read HOTEL ON THE CORNER OF BITTER AND SWEET, you’ll know that in the front matter of the book, there is a picture of a Japanese girl circa 1942. She’s wearing a tag on her jacket and it’s implied that she is leaving for the internment camps.

It’s a powerful picture.

The week before last, Jamie was doing a reading/signing at Woodland Reads. He discovered that the young girl in the photo is still alive and lived nearby. So he invited Mae Yanagi to come and be his special secret guest.

And she did! Okay, I got a shiver just looking at the pics so here they are.

She stuck around and signed books with Jamie for the whole evening. How cool is that?

27 Responses

  1. Bryce Daniels said:

    I remember the post where you talked about his query and first mentioned the “I am Chinese” buttons.
    Fascinating stuff.

    And a BIG congrats to author and agent.

  2. LynNerd said:

    What a wonderful surprise for those who went to his signing and got to meet her and have her sign their books, too. That’s an adorable picture of her as a little girl. How did he discover that she’s still alive? Did he do some research or was it by accident?

  3. Anonymous said:

    That is beyond cool!! I loved the book, one of my all time favs and now…well, that is just icing on the cake.

    How very sweet.

    Layla Fiske

  4. P A Wilson said:

    Very cool. I love it when things come full circle. (I almost typed I love it when a plan comes together but it didn’t seem correct)

  5. Julie Nilson said:

    It’s so lovely to see her as an adult with a big smile on her face, after looking at that sweet little girl and knowing what she was about to endure.

  6. Jean Reidy said:

    Finally read it last month and LOVED it – especially after spending quite a bit of time on the Seattle U campus this past winter and realizing that’s THE neighborhood. If I get back, I plan to explore further.

    What a cool story about the picture, Kristin. I’d love to hear her story some day.

  7. rictheturtleryan said:

    So cool and she is so much smarter than me for following up on an idea. Some time back I found out there was one man who survived both Hiroshima, where he was on business and was severely burnt, and Nagasaki, his home town where he went to recover from the first attack. I figured he probably died long ago, but then read an article that he died 4 Jan 2010. That would have been a real good story. The fact he was at both was real bad karma, the fact he survived both and lived till he was 94 says his karma was in perfect balance. Anyhow I really liked the story of the meeting.