Pub Rants

BEA Pics And Sara’s Live Webinar

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Status: Dashing out to the subway to be somewhere in 20 minutes

What’s Playing on the XM or iPod right now? Nothing At The Moment

Here is a BEA Pic to tie you over until I can properly write up some entries. Sarah Rees Brennan and Marie Lu at the Young Adult Buzz Panel.


Sara is also giving an amazing Webinar today called HOW TO HOOK AN AGENT WITH YOUR QUERY LETTER. It’s starts at 1 pm Eastern.

I know, I know. Not much advance notice but you can still sign up and participate even if you can’t be there during the scheduled time frame. Writers Digest records it and participants will have access to it at any time at a later date for up to one year. You can still even ask questions that will be responded. No need to miss out if you have a life or work!

5 Responses

  1. Alwyn said:

    I think it qualifies me as a COMPLETE book/youtube Geek that I also recognized Robynisrarelyfunn a.k.a Robyn Schneider and Papertimelady a.k.a Rosianna behind your two lovely author ladies. (Incidentally, I am already a fan of Sarah Rees Brennan and am eagerly awaiting Legend, convinced that it will make me a fan of Marie Lu as well.)

  2. Aaronni said:

    I just missed this! It’s 3:31pm where I am (time zones, sigh!) Checking out Writer’s Digest Shop as we speak! I just hopped onto the “Query-Go-Round” so I need ALL the help I can get!


  3. Leslie Deaton said:

    I’m reading all the recounts of the BEA Teen Buzz and it sounds great!
    The feedback from Publishers Weekly made my day. I even blogged about it!

    PS- totally agree about the haircut in the background – wow!

  4. Sunshine said:

    Attended the query writing Webinar that Sara presented this past Thursday and found it wonderfully informative! It was so helpful to hear her speak about what agents are really looking for in a query so writers can better represent their work! So happy to have been a part of it! Kudos to Sara on her presentation, I could have listened to her for hours!