I’m sure you’ve been dying to see a picture of Agent Kristin manning a wood chipper. Finally, your chance. My husband Brian and I spent a weekend with Dave helping him clear his property after the Black Forest Wildfire destroyed his home and everything there.
Pic 1: Dave chainsaws a tree
Pic 2: One tree down
Pic 3: That’s me picking up branches that have been cut so as to take to the wood chipper
Pic 4: I’m watching Dave cut so I can grab those branches
Pic 5: A very dirty Kristin & Brian
Pic 6: Dave & Me & a wood chipper
Pic 7: Me feeding the chipper. Fargo anyone?
Pic 8: The clean up crew. Jen, who saved the dogs, is sandwiched between me and my husband Brian. She, who had just lost everything, still came to help clean the property. Amazing gal!
Pic 9: My favorite picture! Dave had a stack of firewood for his fireplace. It was the ONLY thing that didn’t burn. LOL How ludicrous is that?
Tags: critique, Denver