Pub Rants

Category: friday funnies

Friday Funnies – Anatomy of Book Cover Design

STATUS: Haven’t had a good video to share in a while. This one is worth the wait.

What’s playing on the XM or iPod right now?  DON’T GO by Yaz

Chip Kidd is a legend in this industry. Video is not short but worth every minute of your time. It’s a small glimpse into the brilliance of mind it takes to create a truly amazing cover. And I’ll give you a hint. It’s not about bells and whistles. It’s about text.

As it should be. Enjoy!

Friday Funnies

STATUS: 7 pm on a Friday night. This is lame. Oh the glamorous life of an agent…

What’s playing on the XM or iPod right now? Listening to Youtube

Finished with auction. My brain is mush. This is a punt (pun intended).

To borrow from Jon Stewart, this is your Denver Moment of Zen.

*grin* Huge beverage alert.

Monday is MLK day (so no blogging) but coming later next week, a whole new something on the blog called Fridays With Kristin. Stay tuned!