Pub Rants

Submission Cycles

STATUS: It was a quiet day. NYC socked by snow. I imagine most editors didn’t make it into the office and just worked from home. Perfect excuse for a reading day.What’s playing on the iPod right now? KANDI by One eskimO You guys are going to hate today’s blog entry.… MORE


Looking For A Few Good Men

STATUS: I’m actually leaving the office before 6 pm. I know. I’m stunned too. What’s playing on the iPod right now? BLACK by Pearl JamFor the last couple of weeks, we’ve been interviewing for a new assistant. We are doing our final second round interview next week and then hopefully… MORE


You Are Invited!

STATUS: Too busy a day to even mention here. What’s playing on the iPod right now? IF I COULD WRITE A BOOK by Harry Connick, Jr. Thrilled to pieces that links are back on at Amazon. Not because I don’t value independent bookstores but because it’s hard not to include… MORE