Pub Rants

Kirkus Reanimates

STATUS: I’m back in the office. What’s playing on the iPod right now? GLAD TIDINGS by Van Morrison While I was out, I saw an article in Publishers Weekly that mentioned that Kirkus might be bought so the review journal could continue publishing. I have to say this warms my… MORE


In Loving Memory

STATUS: I will not be blogging for the rest of this week.What’s playing on the iPod right now? JACKSON By Johnny Cash(My dad’s favorite artist.)James Carl E–May 9, 1936-January 5, 2010Dad, I just wanted to say thank you… –for taking me to the library every Sunday afternoon without fail the… MORE


Wait A Week

STATUS: A little bit of glass is peeking through. Hey, I do have a desk under all that mail.What’s playing on the iPod right now? SPIRAL by John Coltrane Welcome back! I swear. That holiday break is never quite long enough. I could happily go another week of just lounging… MORE


A Year In Statistics

STATUS: At 5 pm today, we are officially closed until Monday, January 4, 2010.What’s playing on the iPod right now? CAROL OF THE BELLS by Mannheim SteamrollerWhat a crazy wrap up to the year! I won’t be blogging again until the New Year, but then I’ll be back and in… MORE