STATUS: Excited. Putting something out on submission always makes me giddy. I love the novel, and I want everyone else to love it too! What’s playing on the iPod right now? HARVEST MOON by Neil Young Hilarious story that I had to share. As I mentioned yesterday, today I’m putting… MORE
11 CommentsBlog Pitch Workshop (IX)
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: Working. Pretty much a normal day. I’m doing a submission tomorrow so I’m pretty excited about that.What’s playing on the iPod right now? HEY JEALOUSY by Gin Blossoms I promised you a contemporary romance today before moving on. I might have to take a little break from all this… MORE
17 CommentsBlog Pitch Workshop (VIII)
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: They’re painting my office lobby today. The smell of paint is really getting overwhelming—even with the windows open. You might get enough of me with the blog but just in case, Women On Writing have posted a recent interview with me. What’s playing on the iPod right now? (I’VE… MORE
12 CommentsBlog Pitch Workshop (VII)
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: TGIF! I’m close to wrapping up three different contracts today. That’s some good work. What’s playing on the iPod right now? CRUSH WITH EYELINER by R.E.M Today will be a huge departure from Wednesday’s workshop. Writing romance couldn’t be more opposite to horror if you tried. Seemed like a… MORE
7 CommentsWe Interrupt This Blog Pitch Workshop To Bring You…
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: Excited. CROSS MY HEART AND HOPE TO SPY is still on the NYT top 10 bestseller list for the fourth week. It can’t last forever but I’m going to be happy while Ally is still there!What’s playing on the iPod right now? I COULD WRITE A BOOK by Harry… MORE