STATUS: I’m getting a little peeved with Comcast broadband. This is the second day in a row that my internet service has gone down at the office. There is construction going on behind my building. Makes me wonder if a backhoe has dug too deep. Let’s hope not. What’s playing… MORE
25 CommentsPitching And All That Jazz
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: Today I’m flying back to Denver from Vancouver. I have to say I was quite delighted when the rain eased and the sun popped out this morning. It’s going to be beautiful here (of course on the day I’m leaving) but there you have it. What’s playing on the… MORE
25 CommentsSpeaking of NYT Bestseller List
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: Frustrated! What’s playing on the iPod right now? AFRICA by Toto I have to admit that I was a little too distracted this morning to actually work because I was online attempting to buy Colorado Rockies World Series tickets instead. The tickets were only available for sale via the… MORE
4 CommentsGenre Lunch!
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: Soon to be off to do the conference lunch and pitch appointments for this afternoon. Wish me luck! So far I haven’t even needed my Advil because all the conference attendees have been great and well prepared. I love the Surrey International Conference. What’s playing on the iPod right… MORE
23 CommentsConference Prep
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: Yep, it’s late. What’s playing on the iPod right now? THING CALLED LOVE by Bonnie RaittTomorrow I’m off to the Surrey International Writers’ Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. Yes, that would be Canada folks. Now, I can’t just up and get on a plane and head north. I need… MORE