Pub Rants

Foiled by Tech Issues

STATUS: Need to go home and pack because I’m leaving for New York City and BEA tomorrow.What’s playing on the iPod right now? BOYS AND GIRLS by Bryan Ferry This is definitely a blog light and for that I apologize. Most of my day was spent transitioning my website and… MORE


Featured At Book Expo

STATUS: It’s a rainy day in Denver. Perfect for working on an edit. It was also a quiet email day. Folks are getting ready for the long weekend and then BEA in New York City. What’s playing on the iPod right now? HOTEL CALIFORNIA by the Eagles Yep, it’s happening… MORE


Critique Me In St. Louis?

STATUS: This has been a crazy day. I really needed to finish an edit for a client but it’s already 4 in the afternoon and I haven’t touched it. Guess I’ll be up late tonight.What’s playing on the iPod right now? SHOOT THE MOON by Norah Jones Okay, I’m embarrassed… MORE


Goodbye Miss Snark! I’ll Miss You

STATUS: A little sad. See below. Just a heads up to let you know that Chutney is doing well. Her stomach is giving her occasional problems but you don’t really need details about that.What’s playing on the iPod right now? SAVE A PRAYER by Duran Duran I heard the very… MORE