Pub Rants

Post-Conference Onslaught

STATUS: I’m good actually. Tackled some things on my To Do list. Have two new submissions going out very soon. That’s always exciting. What’s playing on the iPod right now? LONG COOL WOMAN IN A BLACK DRESS by The HolliesI’m off to another conference this weekend. I’m refraining from smacking… MORE


Anticipation Is Making Me Wait

STATUS: I had a lot of phone conferences today–each averaging about an hour in length. So even though I was working, I didn’t tackle too many things on my To Do list which always makes me feel like I was a slacker somehow. I know. Makes no sense but there… MORE


Deal Lunch Blurbs Take Two

STATUS: It was such a gorgeous day in Denver, one can’t help but smile despite being a little tired. I stayed up late last night to read a requested full manuscript that I just couldn’t put down. I literally finished reading around midnight and thought, “it’s not too late to… MORE


Deal Lunch Blurbs As A Writing Exercise

STATUS: It was an incredibly busy Monday. I’m a little stunned that it’s 5 p.m. already. But it’s not too late to hop on over to Brenda Novak’s website and participate in the Diabetes auction she has going for the month of May. Thank goodness somebody has a bid in… MORE


180 Degrees?

STATUS: TGIF! What’s playing on the iPod right now? BLUE TRAIN by John Coltrane I’ve been doing a lot of full manuscript reading lately—which is always exciting. That next new client could be a read away. It seems like full manuscript requests go in spurts. We won’t ask for anything… MORE