Pub Rants

Agent Assets

STATUS: It’s after 5 p.m. but I’m reading a client manuscript and just really enjoying my job at the moment. What’s playing on the iPod right now? F.M. by Steely Dan I think that a lot of aspiring writers simply assume that an agent’s job is to find projects and… MORE


Better Off With Someone Else

STATUS: It’s still raining in Denver. This is good for spring so I try not to complain too much but it does make the world feel a bit drab. What’s playing on the iPod right now? VIRGINIA WOLF by Indigo Girls When I take on an author, it’s with the… MORE


Practical Query Magic?

STATUS: It’s a rare, rainy day in Denver. As long as it stays rain and doesn’t turn to snow… What’s playing on the iPod right now? WHY? by Tracy Chapman I ran out of time yesterday before I could share some of the practical help we offered to the attendees… MORE


Been There Done That?

STATUS: Busy day continuing all my negotiations. What’s playing on the iPod right now? SO IN LOVE by Orchestral Manoeuvers in the DarkOn Saturday morning (way too bright and early for my taste), I spoke on a women’s fiction panel at the Pikes Peak Writers Conference. I decided to tackle… MORE


Pikes Peak Conference

STATUS: Gorgeous day in Denver. Spring! What’s playing on the iPod right now? WICHITA LINEMAN by Glen CampbellI’m off to the Pikes Peak Conference in Colorado Springs in about 15 minutes. Sorry, no time to blog. But I’ll be participating on a women’s fiction panel come Saturday so I’ll have… MORE