Pub Rants

Negotiation Day

STATUS: Today was basically a day of working on negotiations. Fun. What’s playing on the iPod right now? PARADISE BY THE DASHBOARD LIGHT by Meatloaf Whenever I have multiple negotiations going on, I take extensive notes on each offer. What has been covered, what’s resolved, what’s outstanding. It’s too easy… MORE


Do Editors Say No To Agents?

STATUS: Another offer came in today for a different project. Three offers for three different projects in a span of two days. Law of Attraction in action. Love that. Puts me in a good mood! And then like icing on the cake, the blog Ypulse asks “what’s your Judy Blume… MORE


Can’t Have Just One

STATUS: It rained last night! I’m sure people on the East Coast are saying, “what’s the big deal with that”? Well in Denver, we’ve been in a drought for several years. Right now everything is super green and that usually lasts for about 3 weeks before the lack of rain… MORE


The Power Of A Mentor

STATUS: Way too many things on my To Do list! What’s playing on the iPod right now? STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER by The Beatles I’m the first to admit, and as I have mentioned several times on my blog before, that I owe a good portion of my success as an… MORE


Another Pearl of Wisdom?

STATUS: Had a terrific day snowshoeing in fresh powder since it snowed some last night. What’s playing on the iPod right now? No music sadly. I tend to think deep thoughts when snowshoeing–or maybe not so deep and I’ll let you be the judge. Obviously there are a lot of… MORE