Pub Rants

Piracy—All Too Real

STATUS: Besides that fact that it’s snowing again in Denver, I’m good. The keyboard and the mouse dried out and are working fine. Yea! And don’t worry, I know that there are plenty of mighty and wonderful librarians who fight for free speech etc. What’s playing on the iPod right… MORE


What’s In A Word?

STATUS: Iffy. Today I managed to knock a whole glass of water on my keyboard. I ended up leaving the office early so as to work on my laptop and let it dry out. Guess who might be buying a new cordless keyboard tomorrow? We’ll see. Sometimes they dry out… MORE


Feel Free To Leave This Out

STATUS: I spent my day working on three contracts and the last of the outstanding issues. My hope is that we can put them to bed tomorrow. What’s playing on the iPod right now? SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY by Donna Summer(My theme song!) I never claim to speak… MORE


I Think I Missed Again?

STATUS: It’s so early in the day, I can’t really tell yet. So far so good. No major fire—yet. What’s playing on the iPod right now? PETER GUNN by Henry Mancini I’m positive that I’ve mentioned these two issues before but it probably bears repeating. Two Query Snafus. 1. Don’t… MORE