Pub Rants

A Little Competition Between Agents?

STATUS: RWA is like watching TV on fast forward. A consistent, frenetic pace! Off to meet an author and her editor. What song is playing on the iPod right now? Well, it’s the clock radio. Not great reception but it’s LIGHTNING CRASHES by Live I was at a conference this… MORE


Agenting 101: Conclusion

STATUS: Had a great lunch with my author Jana DeLeon this afternoon. Her RUMBLE ON THE BAYOU is coming out this October. If you love Stephanie Bond type stuff—romantic comedy mystery, then bookmark Jana’s website since her book will be right up your alley. I mean, look at this terrific… MORE


Thanks For The Rejection

STATUS: Greetings from Downtown Atlanta! Yes, I’m here for RWA (and for those of you who don’t know the acronym, it means Romance Writers of America). The national conference is this week. What song is playing on the iPod right now? I promise to turn on the radio or something… MORE


Pay it Forward

STATUS: It’s Friday night. 11 p.m. Eastern time. Is Kristin out partying in the fabulous NYC? No, she’s at her hotel room writing her blog… What song is playing on the iPod right now? I’d really dig some music right now. The biggest thrill I get is when people accuse… MORE