Pub Rants

Agents-What Are We Good For?

STATUS: What a fun day. Bookseller chick rocks by answering my bookseller questions right there on her blog (and heartily shamed me into ALWAYS talking to my local booksellers when I’m at the store) and Linnea, her editor Anne Groell, and I have been having an email fest to work… MORE


That Non-Gripping Plane Opening

STATUS: Prep time. I have a trip to New York and RWA fast approaching so it’s time to set up my appointments.What song is playing on the iPod right now? WALKING ON SUNSHINE by Katrina and The WavesI’m convinced that one cannot be unhappy while this song is playing—that it’s… MORE


Gimmicky Query Letters

STATUS: What a great weekend. I read a full manuscript starting on Friday night. Finished Saturday morning. Called the author. Have a new client. Time frame from when sample pages were received to requesting and reading the full to offering representation: 4 weeks. What song is playing on the iPod… MORE


Conflict Is Not A Lifetime Movie

STATUS: I rarely get a chance to read manuscripts during the day but I literally cleared my desk (and FedEx’d that final contract off to the author). So what fun, I get to read today. This is my kind of Friday. What song is playing on the iPod right now?… MORE