Pub Rants

The Importance of Leverage

This is definitely a rant-worthy topic. Publishing houses have implemented new corporate policies to pay advances in thirds—a portion of which must now be on publication. The Penguin Group implemented this last year and a recent Random House negotiation showed me that it’s new policy over there as well. It’s… MORE


One Night of Queries

I read 150 email queries last night so I’m a little cross-eyed today. I did take some notes. Out of those 150 queries, about 30 of them were for young adult projects. About every other YA query featured a portal into another world. I kid you not. I said “no”… MORE


Sucked Into The Portal

Last night I was watching the Olympics and reading sample pages. Yep. I like to multi-task. And to be honest, I shouldn’t be telling you this. What horrible agent has one eye on the Telly and the other on some sample pages she has requested? Happens more than you think.… MORE


An Author Looks at Publicists

As you folks are probably gathering, I’m not one for answering questions. I just like to rant on random topics as they strike me. If you’ve got questions, why don’t you sidle on over to Miss Snark because she’s a hell of a gal for answering them. However, one of… MORE


A New Clause in Town

Last week I was negotiating a contract with an editor over there at the Random House group. Color me pink when she mentioned that RH was adding a new clause to the contract that was going to be standard from here on out. RH would now like U.S.-only Spanish Language… MORE