Pub Rants

School’s In

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STATUS: Feeling lazy. It’s so beautiful out right now. Sara and I went to lunch so we could sit outside. Struggling to get back into the groove this afternoon.

What song is playing on the iPod right now? THIS IS IT by Kenny Loggins

Because I’m being supremely lazy today, I’m going to point out some really terrific and recent blogs if you want to learn about the publishing industry. So, if you are feeling chipper, head on over and check out these two.

Editor Anna blogged about Profit & Loss Statements and how editors decide what to buy and for how much.

Then Bookseller Chick took the mystery out of the term “mid-list.”

Curious? Truly some edifying blogs.

I’m out.

4 Responses

  1. Termagant 2 said:

    Good taste on the iPod selection for today. Once I got a book outta the images I got listening to “This is It”. Now, it wasn’t a very GOOD book, but it’s morphing into something better every time I tweak it.

    Music evokes the better side of my writing. I try not to write without the Mom Pod playing.


  2. GeofFowler said:

    Kristin, depending on how I do with my existing agent or not, I may just contact you professionally. Meanwhile, I want to thank you for this blog and the links to your on-the-ball compadres. Intentionally or not (I suspect it is), wise viewers would do well to disseminate and devour the tidbits you toss out on the business side of this (sic) avant-garde industry. Thanks! Oh, and please don’t stop the offbeat and sometimes-moody rant. Some of us will never know if a subliminal message is there to be had . . .


    Geof Fowler