Pub Rants

Samurai Agent!

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STATUS: Just chuckling. Smart Bitches asks if AN ACCIDENTAL GODDESS cover can be saved. Answer is NO but the general consensus is that the story inside is totally worth braving the ABBA dancing queen cover. If you read my blog regularly, y’all already know how Linnea and I feel about that cover.

But thank goodness Bantam came to their senses. Check out this treat (and nary a spandex covered Barbie doll proportioned chest in sight). GAMES OF COMMAND is releasing in one month, so put it on your wish list.

What’s playing on the iPod right now? A LITTLE LESS CONVERSATION by Elvis Presley

An agent friend of mind sent the link for the last-samurai-agent my way today and I just had to laugh.

I think I might try out this technique next time I’m in New York. Not.

But I feel like a slacker. I just knew I wasn’t going that extra distance to get those increases in advances for my authors.

7 Responses

  1. Anonymous said:

    On my wishlist and on my schedule to review on my blog too. I ‘sold’ at least two copies of Accidental Goddes when I reviewed it. Such fun to get people excited about good books.
    Linnea got lucky with the new cover. It’s perfect. When are people going to learn it’s just as sexy (if not more) to have passion simmering beneath the surface as it is to have it busting out of a catsuit?

  2. Anonymous said:

    Love that cover art.

    Maybe you should consider changing the name of your agency to Samurai Agents. It would have a certain “thrust” to it and “stick” in people’s minds for a good while.

  3. Anonymous said:

    I’ve read all of Linnea’s books – they are terrific. (And on my keeper shelf!)
    I’m waiting for ‘Games of Command’ with impatience.
    I honestly did’t mind the A.G.’s ‘pink spandex cover’ too much – it was very, er…psychedelic science fiction-y? lol!

  4. Anonymous said:


    Love this blog. Thanks for all your awesome advice. That being said (and I really don’t want to sound like a troll here) but I’m just not a fan of these covers that you post.

    I’m a graphic designer in my day job and it seems to me that a lot of these covers are utterly lacking in originality. I’d be very depressed if I spent years working on a novel and it ended up looking indistinguishable from most of the other novels in the genre, I.E. underwear models in sci-fi costumes.

    Ugh, I sound like a putz. This is probably just because I do design for a living. I’ve never heard anyone complain about the cover after reading a great novel. I’m just voicing my opinion here.