Pub Rants

Come Wind, Rain, Or Snow

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STATUS: Tired. (and I see all my youtube tries finally showed up. Nothing like overkill. Sorry about that).

What’s playing on the iPod right now? Nothing on at the moment…

Like the mail people, I’ll make it to the conference regardless of weather. Got to Salt Lake City late after spending more than an hour at a dead stop on Wyoming’s Interstate 80 heading west from Rawlings.

Serious white-out conditions (wind blowing the snow something like 40 m.p.h.) and semi-trucks in the ditches on both the left and right side of us. Finally made it down from the pass to hear that the highway was closing behind us (and it stayed closed the rest of the day according to NPR). But once down, we were greeted by clearing blue skies. It was sunny the rest of the way to Salt Lake. And I thought Colorado had strange weather.

But I’m here and haven’t got the brain power to blog. It really was white-knuckle driving for a solid 2+ hours.

13 Responses

  1. k said:

    Welcome to Salt Lake!

    We do have strange weather here. Especially in March. Hopefully your drive back will be better.

  2. Rose Green said:

    I must say–some of my all-time epic road trips involve the stretch between Salt Lake and Denver in winter. Glad you made it safely!

  3. Robert Devereaux said:

    Glad to hear you made it in one piece!

    If this is your first World Horror Con, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Very friendly bunch. I’ve been to maybe six of them since they started, early 1990’s.

    Tell ’em Robert Devereaux says hi!

  4. Rachel Glass said:

    Welcome to SLC! Now, if you want to hold a writer’s conference somewhere here, I’ll be more than happy to attend! 😀 Hope the commute back is better!

  5. Francine Sharp said:

    Is there anywhere you list which conferences you’re going to be attending? It would be great to be able to query you in person somewhere, but I’d need at least a few weeks of lead time to plan the travel details to any conference.

  6. Anonymous said:

    Glad to hear you’re safe, what a drive it must have been. Ditto on the conferences you are attending, that would be useful info for those wishing to attend and pitch their books.

    You were mentioned on BookEnd’s blog today. Seems someone is writing a parody on agents and the trials of publishing. It was a hoot.

    Enjoy the conference.

  7. Eric Riback said:

    That’s why I fly. I have to be in SLC 2x/year for conventions. I have to say it’s an ironic place for a World Horror Convention.

    The good news is that there are actually decent restaurants there now which wasn’t really the case 20 years ago.

    My favorite is an Italian place called Molise….near the Salt Palace.

    I also like a big bar/restaurant/blues club called The Bayou.

  8. joycemocha said:

    Heads up from Oregon–another one’s on the way, and it brought snow to the valley floor in Portland this morning.

    So all of us dedicated ski bums hit the road, of course…whiteout conditions on Hood, made for lovely skiing but tense driving. OTOH, we only have a few miles of it. Nothing like Denver to SLC.

    On the convention front–are you going to Denvention (World Science Fiction Convention) this year?

  9. Paul West said:

    Been there, done that. I live in SLC and had to travel from there to Nebraska last year in the middle of a blizzard. It happens. Just glad you made it okay.