Pub Rants

Things You Don’t Want to Learn While In New York!

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STATUS: Back at the hotel for 30 minutes before I need to run out again.

What’s playing on the iPod right now? COME BACK TO ME by David Cook

I mentioned in our November newsletter a couple of weeks ago that Sara and I just absolutely loved a submission that came our way, offered rep, but alas the author went with another agent (as there were many agents interested).

I heard today that the project sold at auction for some money–with tons of houses bidding on it.

Ack. Hate that. But you know what? We tried for it; we were in the game. We loved it. Obviously lots of people agreed.

And for all of you, this is good news. This means Publishers are willing to step up to the plate for projects—something I was rather worried about as of late.

But truthfully, I wish editors hadn’t told me about it. Ignorance can be bliss…


26 Responses

  1. JJ said:

    At least you had a fighting chance–you were on the writer’s list of agents to query!

    It was great to meet you today, Kristin!

  2. Krista G. said:

    Nice to know editors are still buying books. And as always, it’s nice to nice we writers aren’t the only ones facing rejection from time to time:)

  3. Sarah Olutola said:

    Oh wow! Looks like we’ll be hearing a lot about that book in some time. Still, you can never win em all but that doesn’t mean you won’t win sometimes. 🙂

    Just curious…what genre was that book in?

  4. Kristi said:

    Could you tell us if the author is a debut author or if they are previously published but didn’t yet have an agent? Just curious and hope you’re having fun.

  5. Jeff King said:

    Can’t get them all.

    But with your inspiration and leadership, I’m certain you’ll get what books or deals you need to make you forget about this one. You’re in my top 3 agent wish list. I can only dream of you being my agent.

    Best of luck.

  6. LynML said:

    OK, so this one got intercepted, but you have great hands and there’s no reason the next touchdown pass won’t come your way. (Just finished writing a bio of a football player for a reference book, so that’s where my head is today.) Anyway, enjoy your time in NYC.

  7. Dara said:

    Sorry about that…

    But it must be a wonderful story for there to be that much interest–and the fact that it went for a good price too at auction.

    I’ll be curious to see what book it is when it comes out–do you think when it’s published you’ll be able to let us know? 🙂

  8. Anonymous said:

    I’m sure you’re still happy for the writer who sold in such a big, exciting way. And it’s normal to be bummed that you weren’t part of that process.

    Thanks for blogging the good news. I’ve got a ms out right now, and am thrilled to hear publishers are opening their checkbooks. (Xing fingers and toes.)

  9. Shannon said:

    You’ve piqued my interest. Can you tell us a little more about the project that got so many publishers and agents interested? Specifically, I’m curious to know the genre and if the author is established or debut?

    Thanks for sharing all of your insight. Keep fighting the good fight.

  10. Candice said:

    Chin up dear. At least you know a good one when you spot it. Don’t have to second guess your eye for talent.

  11. Munk said:

    Though I have been reading your blog and newsletter for a time, I haven’t yet dropped a comment. I’ll begin here.
    Keep your chin up, eyes open and follow your heart – good things will come… but you knew that.

  12. TheUnwashedMass said:

    Was it a love-story about teenage vampires? I hear they’re all the rage at the moment… My local bookshop even has a section devoted to “supernatural romance” now.

  13. Jeff Baird said:

    Just followed formally. Great–no unbelievable site. If they choose another Agent I would suspect they didn’t read Pub Rant for the last 6 months. I’m impressed with you.

  14. K. E. Carson said:

    I’m sorry to hear that, Kristin. I know you’ll score the next bestseller soon. 😛 Just keep plowing through. No sense in letting NY and all its nasty news get you down.