Pub Rants

Now Dorchester Is Trying To Sell The Company

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STATUS: Leaving for Bologna, Italy on Friday for the Book Fair. Ack!

What’s playing on the XM or iPod right now? SET FIRE TO THE RAIN by Adele

I also have some land 100 miles west of Ft Myers I’d like to sell you….

What would a week be without an update on Dorchester? I can’t imagine what company would be interested in buying an ailing organization with such a significant amount of debt. I don’t have updated numbers from the phone call last year but back then, debt owed was in the millions.

Maybe it’s good for the taxes.

But straight from the horse’s mouth, here is a letter from Dorchester’s president.


11 Responses

  1. Eric Riback said:

    Remember that there’s stuff they can sell without selling the company. If they are not in bankruptcy they can sell assets, such as publishing contracts (subject to the terms of those contracts, of course) and inventory.

  2. Cecelia Dowdy said:

    Yes, what a terrible, horrible financial mess. Makes my head spin. If I thought about it long enough, it’d probably give me a headache. I doubt they’ll find a buyer, but, they might sell bits and pieces of their assets as somebody already suggested…

  3. writer said:

    The Dorchester (True Renditions) saga does not seem to end. I know it’s a lot to ask, but I’d appreciate some objective opinions why a Dorch employee is now (April 3) semi-publically calling me out for simply stating I have not gotten paid (from 2010)–and for sharing that info.(and other polite tidbits) with other writers. Mind you, I am a former podunk mag writer. I had to throw up the blog ASAP and unedited (for protection against Dorch) so be prepared for a cruddy-looking post. TRUE STORY: You Be The Judge can be read at