STATUS: Rainy days and Mondays. Kind of sums it up.
What’s playing on the iPod right now? BIG LOG by Robert Plant
Kind of reads like Girls, Girls, Girls! on an Adult entertainment site billboard.
But seriously, if you want to attend a conference with a serious agent list, take a look at this line up for Backspace’s Agent-Author Conference on Nov. 6 & 7 in New York City.
There are a couple of mighty fine editors thrown in there for good measure but Agents, Agents, Agents! just sounded better.
I’m just sorry I won’t be there. I imagine you could ask about any question your heart desires at this conference and then you wouldn’t need to read my blog anymore. Look at this program!
Speaking of reading my blog, boy did I cause some consternation on Friday.
And y’all are so smart. You figured out right away it wasn’t about me since I only do submissions electronically (and can you tell that to all those folks who keep snail mailing me stuff). Next year we are going to have to stop responding. It’s eating up to much letterhead and time. I hate to just recycle without replying but desperate measures may call for desperate action.
But back to Friday’s post.
The problem was not with the request to email it. Some agents might not be fine with that but then they’ll simply tell you so and then you can choose whether to snail mail it or not.
The problem was not in letting this agent know that the full manuscript was out with other agents. To me, that’s just professional.
The problem was in detailing that 30 other agents (or pick some other high number) had already requested the full by email.
Why? Because of the subtext of what is implied. Look at me agent. My manuscript is hot. You’d better get on board and let me email it to you because so many other agents have asked to see it right away and I’ve emailed it to them. (By the way, this author could be lying. It’s happened before…)
Yuck. I’m not sure I care how good this manuscript might be and the reason why I shared this story is that many of the agents I knew felt the same.
Unreasonable? Maybe. I don’t know. I’m just telling it like it is and if it’s helpful, great. If not, it’s not.