STATUS: It’s a bit quiet leading up to the long weekend so I’m actually getting some things done. And yes, I’m still working on my query inbox…
What’s playing on the iPod right now? UNKNOWN LEGEND by Neil Young
When we did our completely unscientific first ever Pubrants Blog Reader poll, I realized that I left out one important question (or maybe series of questions).
We talked about covers and back cover copy influencing book buying decisions but we didn’t talk about author blurbs.
Often times before a book is to be published, the agent, editor, and author will put our heads together and discuss who would be a great blurb candidate for the project. Obviously blurbs are going to come for established authors with solid reputations and a large following, otherwise the blurb probably wouldn’t have much weight. The name has to be recognizable and appropriate for the genre, type of book, etc.
For example, this week has been very exciting at the agency as we just received word that Lisa See (author of Snow Flower And The Secret Fan), who we asked to read an ARC of HOTEL ON THE CORNER OF BITTER AND SWEET by Jamie Ford, loved the book and is thrilled to give us a blurb to use.
Needless to say, Jamie and I were giddy. Now I realize that the book isn’t out yet and therefore anyone who reads this blog can’t buy it yet, but would that influence you?
So that’s my poll for today:
Do you notice and read author blurbs on books you are potentially interested in buying?
If so, have you ever bought a book because an author you loved and trusted endorsed the book?
If you can remember, what established authors created the swing vote for you and you did indeed buy the book with their author blurb on it?
Have you ever bought a book based on an author endorsement and then were dissatisfied with the book bought? If so, did that impact a future buy for a book for which that same author has endorsed?
I imagine this random poll will spark some interesting discussions this week!