Pub Rants

Agents & Editors At Work—Really!

STATUS: Having a day of play on Oahu!What’s playing on the iPod right now? Nothing, just the sound of the waves. Try not to laugh too hard as we work hard at the Halekaluni’s House Without A Key beach bar. From left: Me, Agent April Eberhardt, April’s husband, Putnam Publisher… MORE


Untitled In Paradise

STATUS: Aloha! Need I say more?What’s playing on the iPod right now? Kokomo by Beach Boys Here is a shot of me working this morning before the conference officially begins!It’s a tough life but somebody has to do it. I’ve got my feet up and my netbook (thank you Ally… MORE


The Agony of Defeat

STATUS: I’m really ready to read a submission that really excites me. What’s playing on the iPod right now? SHE TALKS TO ANGELS by The Black Crowes Do you remember watching the Wide World of Sports and Bogotaj’s failed ski jump clip timed with the words “the agony of defeat”?… MORE