Pub Rants

Anderson News

STATUS: TGIF! And I’m heading out the door. What’s playing on the iPod right now? BY THE TIME I GET TO PHOENIX by Glen Campbell There certainly has been some talk in the blogosphere regarding Anderson News and the sudden suspension of business but if you are a genre writer… MORE


Shown The Money?

STATUS: I’m starting to, gasp, feel normal. Surely this is the end of bad cold? What’s playing on the iPod right now? YOU BELONG TO ME by Anita Baker I just read on Galley Cat that Audrey Niffenegger, author of the very wonderful TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE, just sold her next… MORE


5 In 4 Weeks

STATUS: Feeling a bit better today. The next day is always the real test with this cold.What’s playing on the iPod right now? CONSTANT CRAVING by k.d. lang At the beginning of the year, I think most of us in publishing, especially agents, were assuming there was going to be… MORE


Gone Fishin’

STATUS: I wish. Home sick today. Again. Sorry about the blog silence. What’s playing on the iPod right now? Nothing at the moment.Yes, this nasty crud is going on 11 days now. I talked with my doctor this morning and she said that this bad cold is lasting from 2… MORE