STATUS: So very happy because finally, I’ve got a ballot. What’s playing on the iPod right now? BEAUTIFUL DAY by U2 This is unabashed non-publishing-related blog entry. For the past month, I’ve been in mail-in ballot hell—as in I never received my ballot and since I’m on the permanent mail-in… MORE
19 CommentsSpeaking of eBook Royalty Rates…
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: Monday madness! Sounds like a new game show. I can’t believe it’s 5 pm already. Lots of phone calls and prep work for my NYC trip in two weeks. What’s playing on the iPod right now? HEARTS AND BONES by Paul Simon Which I blogged about a couple of… MORE
11 CommentsWhy You Have Bankruptcy Clauses In Contracts
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: TGIF! I really enjoy writing that every Friday. I finished one contract and got ready to dive into another but alas, too many interruptions. Will have to tackle on Monday. What’s playing on the iPod right now? GAUCHO by Steely Dan This week I read in Publishers Weekly that… MORE
15 CommentsResponding to Full Manuscripts
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: Just watched Casino Royale. Liked the movie. Definitely one of the more intelligent Bond films I’ve seen. Can’t say the blonde Bond does it for me but I’m all for the edginess of his character. Much more interesting and satisfying in the long run I’d say. What’s playing on… MORE
11 CommentsWith Regret
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: Heading home to work on client editing actually. One of those long days. I have two contracts to tackle tomorrow…What’s playing on the iPod right now? GROOVE IS IN THE HEART by Deee-liteUgh! Today I passed on a full manuscript that I’ve had since June. Now it didn’t take… MORE