STATUS: Happily looking at the big blue skies of Colorado on a 65 degree day. It’s good to be home.What’s playing on the iPod right now? FAIRGROUND by Simply Red For a paperless office, I must say I was overwhelmed by the sheer piles of stuff that needed reviewing on… MORE
14 CommentsKindle Update
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: Into the home stretch. Just one more editor dinner tomorrow night and I’m homeward bound. What’s playing on the iPod right now? LET’S DANCE by David Bowie Pros definitely outweigh the cons. I think Jeff Bezos should hire me as I convinced more agents and editors to buy the… MORE
76 CommentsAAR Night
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: 10 weeks on the NYT bestseller list and counting… What’s playing on the iPod right now? FREE FALLIN’ by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers Last night I attended the Association of Authors’ Representatives monthly meeting. It was meet the editors of FSG night (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux). An aspiring… MORE
13 CommentsA Tale Of Reimbursed Expenses
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: This week has been about meeting with editors and my authors who have come to town so no “this is what editors are looking for” stories to regale you with. Although I did have coffee with a children’s editor who is looking for anything multicultural. What a refreshing change… MORE
20 CommentsAnother Memoir Scandal In The Headlines
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: Piping Mad!What’s playing on the iPod right now? OMG! Somebody is practicing their horn nearby and I can hear it through the vent (maybe a tuba?) And trust me, they need the practice. Unbelievable! Yet again, an NYT story on how a hugely lauded memoir called LOVE & CONSEQUENCES… MORE