Pub Rants

Evolution Of An Agency Contract

STATUS: Today was a travel day (remember when I mentioned last week that I was insane to attend yet another conference?) Now I’m in St. Louis for Archon. Chutney and I are also visiting family so there will be lots of fun stuff in the evenings. What’s playing on the… MORE


Agent Shopping

STATUS: So crazy today and it’s so late at night for blogging… What’s playing on the iPod right now? BIG LOG by Robert Plant When you have a deal on the table, don’t get in the mindset of “one stop shopping.” I think it’s terrific to have your dream agent… MORE


Crucial Component

STATUS: Just my luck that a huge thunderstorm rolls through Denver right as I’m finishing up for the day and the broadband goes out. I’m typing this from home. If it’s not up by tomorrow, I’m going to have to call Comcast so as not to lose Monday as a… MORE


The Tipping Point?

STATUS: All good stuff happening but I don’t think it could get any crazier at the office if I tried. I’ll be able to talk more about why in a couple of weeks… What’s playing on the iPod right now? SOUL MAN by Sam & Dave I’m going to try… MORE