Pub Rants

How To Avoid Homer Simpson Moments

STATUS: I have to say that I’m really worried. I’m a huge HBO Entourage fan and I watched this week’s episode last night—the one where Vince sleeps with his agent (and I’m not talking about Ari). This bothers me on so many levels but please, please, don’t let this show… MORE


Secret Language Of Agents

STATUS: We just had one big whopper of a thunderstorm roll through. Chutney has decided to hide under Sara’s desk. Thunder—not her favorite thing. What’s playing on the iPod right now? GOOD by Better Than Ezra Oh wise one, share with me the secret language of agents. (Sounds like it… MORE


Website Calling Card

STATUS: I watched the best movie this weekend. It’s been out for years. I had heard good things and it finally queued up in my Netflix list. It’s rare that I get excited about a film (which is why I rarely see them in movie theaters since I never think… MORE


Joe Schmoo Agent

STATUS: I feel great by getting a jump on the day by blogging early. Later it could be crazy. Hard to say. I’ve got lots on the To-do list but that’s always true. What’s playing on the iPod right now? EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES by Sinead O’ConnorI think Rachel Vater is… MORE