Pub Rants

Kickstart the New Year

STATUS: The new year is off to a roaring start. The first day back in the office is always chaos but today I got lots of exciting news. My author Ally Carter is going to be a spotlight author at Book Expo 2007 and audio rights just sold for the… MORE


Last Blog Of The Year

STATUS: It’s TGIF for the next two weeks! What’s playing on the iPod right now? CHRISTMAS (BABY PLEASE COME HOME) by U2 Nelson Literary Agency is officially closed until Jan. 2, 2007. But have no fear, there will be new blogs in the new year. Until then, Happy Holidays! I’ll… MORE


A Year in Statistics

STATUS: Sara and I are working like mad to finish everything up today. Tomorrow we close. By the way, I just saw fellow Backspace member Martha O’Connor comment about giving a donation to charity in the agent’s name. LOVE THAT. So add that to your agent gift-giving list.What’s playing on… MORE


Title Tales

STATUS: So far I’ve spent all day reading—a full manuscript I requested and then a client work. Only one more day until we officially close so I’ll probably be reading late into the evening. What’s playing on the iPod right now? HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS by Elvis Presley Diana Peterfreund… MORE