Pub Rants

Scammers That Scam Together…

STATUS: TGIF! The week ended way better than it started. I have one project that’s garnering lots of editor attention. Love that. What’s playing on the iPod right now? FASCINATION STREET by The Cure Of course I had to go and research David Kuzminski’s cryptic comment in yesterday’s comment thread… MORE


From The Query Inbox

STATUS: I can finally hear out of my left ear! This may not sound amazing but try living without for a week. Anyone talking to me on my left side constantly got an annoying “what?” In other great news? That YA author decided to sign with me. Yea! Welcome aboard.… MORE


Leap To Hardcover

STATUS: All this week I’ve been thinking I was being a weenie about my bad head cold. Finally went to the doc and I have a sinus infection and a double ear infection. I had a good reason to feel miserable! What’s playing on the iPod right now? AFRICA by… MORE


24,000 Queries A Year

STATUS: I have a bad head cold, and I’m so ready for it to be over. Usually I read in the evenings but since I’ve been so tired, I’m asleep by 8 p.m.. Ah, the crazy, wild life of a literary agent. What’s playing on the iPod right now? WHY… MORE