STATUS: I’m finally back in my room before midnight and have the energy to blog. What’s playing on the iPod right now? Nothing at the moment.Best Quote of the Conference So far“In paranormal and you’re not an already established published author, if it’s the same story about a hunky magical… MORE
16 CommentsAll In A Day’s Work
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: In San Fran for Romance Writers of America national conference. Even more alarming to me is that Worldcon will literally follow right on its heels. I’ve got a crazy two weeks ahead of me. What’s playing on the iPod right now? WALK ON THE WILD SIDE by Lou Reed… MORE
9 CommentsShades Of The S&S Out Of Print Debacle
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: Heading out tomorrow morning for RWA in San Francisco. To be honest, I don’t know how much time I will have to blog but if I can, I’ll try and send reports from the floor.What’s playing on the iPod right now? APOLOGIZE by OneRepublic Hey it didn’t work all… MORE
5 CommentsDon’t Mistake Voice For Character Development
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: It was a nice quiet day. Only something like 25 emails versus my usual 60 to 80 on any given work day. Gosh I love half-day Fridays in publishing! What’s playing on the iPod right now? COME MONDAY by Jimmy Buffett I’ve been reading sample pages again this week… MORE
21 CommentsBig In Slovenia!
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: What craziness. Sara just got her wallet stolen and since of course she’s got the company credit card, we had to do some quick phone calling. Lucky for us, the thief was not able to act quickly enough to use the card. What’s playing on the iPod right now?… MORE