For over a decade NLA has compiled our yearly stats. This year is no exception but with one big surprise in the data. And it’s all about queries and the possible impact of Covid. 4 : Number of agents at NLA (same as in 2019) 1 : Number of agents… MORE
Achieving Writing Goals
by Tallahj Curry
This month, we asked three NLA authors to give some tips on how they achieve their writing goals. If you set a writing goal, what are two tips to achieve it? If not, what is something that you do instead? Alison Hammer, author of You & Me & Us I’m the… MORE
In fiction craft, it’s a nearly universal struggle for writers to keep track of their antagonists. (If you don’t struggle with this, count yourself lucky. If you do, never fear! You’re not alone, and I think this will help.) First, note that keeping track of your antagonist is different from developing your antagonist. Development… MORE

Do You Know Where Your Antagonists Are? (Part II)
by Angie Hodapp
Imagine the opening of a contemporary YA fantasy manuscript. The heroine is fleeing through a forest at night, chased by a hulking, hairy hellhound with sharp claws and sharper teeth. The heroine trips over a log and breaks her leg. As the beast closes in, the heroine, dizzy with pain… MORE
1 Comment(Just a note, this article was featured in our November 2020 Newsletter. To receive our articles first, you can subscribe to our newsletter here.) 305 = The number of days from when I submitted a client manuscript to when I received the response from the editor. Ten months. That’s a long… MORE