Pub Rants

Friday Funnies

STATUS: I hit the office early today. First up, a UK contract that needs to be reviewedWhat’s playing on the iPod right now? ON THE TURNING AWAY by Pink Floyd Just a heads up that I’m on vacation all of next week and therefore won’t be blogging. If I were… MORE


Writing as Business (Part 3)

STATUS: I finished up to client full manuscripts this week. I’m finally catching up. What’s playing on the iPod right now? ICE CREAM by Sarah McLachlan As promised, here are some of the books that I’ve read over the years. Please note that this isn’t an endorsement of any book.… MORE


Do You Run Your Writing As A Business?

STATUS: I tackled exactly one thing on my To Do list today and there are something like 20 items that need immediate attention. I’m still wondering how that happens. What’s playing on the iPod right now? THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD by the Beatles Today I had a morning meeting… MORE