Pub Rants

No Such Thing As Bad Publicity?

STATUS: I spent the day on the phone. Literally. Like four hours straight. I thought I would lose my voice at the end there. What’s playing on the iPod right now? TURNING JAPANESE by The VaporsAuthors that spark controversy get noticed. Just recently one of my YA authors asked me… MORE


A Case For A Cover Change

STATUS: Feeling jubilant. A cover issue crisis has been solved!What’s playing on the iPod right now? ORDINARY WORLD by Duran Duran I can’t possibly compete with Jeff Kleinman’s superb magnum opus on Bella Stander’s blog about when you hate your cover (which I think should be mandatory reading for all… MORE


Rule Breaking Novels

STATUS: First day back in the office after being away for a week. Let’s just say there is a lot on my desk that needs handling. I did pretty well today but tomorrow will be the real determinerWhat’s playing on the iPod right now? LITTLE RED CORVETTE by Prince I… MORE


Most Valuable Asset

STATUS: I had to get up early this morning for an 8:30 a.m. panel. Thank goodness for Chai lattes! And yes, I don’t normally blog on a Saturday but I making up for Wednesday’s missed blog. Have a great weekend.What’s playing on the iPod right now? STAND BACK by Stevie… MORE


The Big Picture

STATUS: Squeezing this blog in before the day gets too crazy. It will be a miracle if I’m back to my hotel room before midnight tonight. What’s playing on the iPod right now? WINDMILLS OF THE MIND by Sting Tip of the Day: In the course of your publishing career,… MORE