Pub Rants


STATUS: Tired. Super late day at the office. The computers transitioned to the new place today so I didn’t have access for most of the day as the network was being reconfigured. Also, I just switched over my blog to Google so there might be some quirks.What’s playing on the… MORE


Pesky Warranty Clause

STATUS: Warm snuggly because Chutney is sitting on my lap. I’m blogging from home tonight. What’s playing on the iPod right now? AIN’T THAT A KICK IN THE HEAD? by Dean MartinNothing gets my blood boiling faster then when publishers embed a no-compete type clause in the warranty section of… MORE


Too Many Agents!

STATUS: Office move. Chaos. Sneezing from way too much dust. Slightly crabby.What’s playing on the iPod right now? Well, I found my iPod stereo but didn’t have my iPod with me. Knocks hand against forehead. Last week I did an email interview for Finn Harvor’s blog Conversations in the Book… MORE


No Agent Answers Hotline

STATUS: Everything is in chaos because my agency is moving to larger office space starting this weekend. I’m carefully marking boxes that have the “must open immediately” important stuff like my contracts that are currently in process. Now half the boxes have the urgent pink label on it. Hum… What’s… MORE


Samurai Agent!

STATUS: Just chuckling. Smart Bitches asks if AN ACCIDENTAL GODDESS cover can be saved. Answer is NO but the general consensus is that the story inside is totally worth braving the ABBA dancing queen cover. If you read my blog regularly, y’all already know how Linnea and I feel about… MORE