Pub Rants

Photoshop That Baby?

STATUS: Just got the new Korean copies for ENCHANTED, INC. Man, I’m just so tickled because I think the cover is darling. Random House JoongAng/Korea What’s playing on the iPod right now? WALKING IN MEMPHIS by Mark CohnI want to say first off that I can completely sympathize with authors… MORE


Wait Until I Lose 20 Pounds

Note: Blogger was down last night so even though I had created this entry, I couldn’t post it. Sorry about that. STATUS: Just finished working on a contract so I’m a little cross-eyed. What’s playing on the iPod right now? PUT YOUR RECORDS ON by Corinne Bailey Rae This contract… MORE


Got Conflict?

STATUS: Wow it’s late but I’m finally getting around to writing this entry from home. Long day. What’s playing on the iPod right now? DOWNTOWN TRAIN by Tom Waits Over the weekend, I read about 100 queries (and in case people take notes on this sort of thing, we requested… MORE


Perseverance Pays Off

STATUS: Triumph. Maybe. With technology I’m always a little skeptical but supposedly we have fixed all the errors with the e-Newsletter subscribe process. So, subscribe away. And here’s another hint about our electronic submission database that we’ve recently discovered. Don’t try and upload your sample pages from your workplace (besides,… MORE