Pub Rants

You pounded out 50,000 words or more in the month of November. You rocked NaNoWriMo. Huge Congrats! But wait, before you press send, here are three things to consider: Strategy #1: Consider the holidays Don’t send out your novel in the month of December. Put yourself in an agent’s shoes… MORE


Writers tend to assume that good writing trumps all when it comes to getting an offer of representation. Not true. Here is the #2 reason I will pass on a full manuscript even if the writing itself is stellar (for any of you who don’t read my blog, Pub Rants, see the #1 reason here): Lack… MORE


I’m not sure this has ever been said aloud…. For submissions, I’m pretty certain that writers assume that if the writing is good, an agent is going to be interested in offering representation to the author. No doubt–good writing is essential but as an agent, I’ve passed on any number… MORE


November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), and the TwitterVerse and Blogosphere are alive with advice from writers helping other writers knock it out of the park. There isn’t much I can add there, but I can offer some advice from an agent’s perspective that I think writers will find enormously helpful. So here are three… MORE


Emily Easton at Crown Books for Young Readers has won, at auction, Scott Reintgen’s debut science fiction young adult trilogy beginning with THE BLACK HOLE OF BROKEN THINGS. In the novel, a Detroit teen accepts an interstellar space contract only to realize the promised millions must be won in a… MORE