Pub Rants

Fridays With Agent Kristin: Episode 3 – Why Page Length for YA or MG Novel Is The Wrong Question

STATUS: I had 180 emails in my inbox when I started the day. I have 189 emails in my inbox when I ended it. Hum… this is not progress. What’s playing on the XM or iPod right now? Nothing at the moment Whenever I’m at a writer’s conference, a participant… MORE


Fridays With Agent Kristin: Episode 2 – The Difference Between Young Adult And Middle Grade

STATUS: We folks here in Denver like to take the Groundhog seriously. If he says 6 more weeks of winter, we say let’s kick it off with 2 feet of snow. Bring on the winter. I’m the only who made it in today. Of course I have an advantage. I… MORE