Pub Rants

Money For Something!

STATUS: Speaking of foreign rights, Frankfurt Book Fair is almost upon us.What’s playing on the iPod right now? MONEY FOR NOTHING by Dire Straits(of course) It’s days like this where I just love being an agent. Imagine getting a check for let’s say (and I’m making this number up) 25k… MORE


A Friday Funny Sort Of?

STATUS: TGIF. I cleared some contracts off my desk by finishing them up. I always feel accomplished after that.What’s playing on the iPod right now? MACK THE KNIFE by Bobby DarinI got a hilarious email via our query inbox today, but I’m thinking the writer didn’t mean for it to… MORE


Not Lost In Translation

STATUS: Just working.What’s playing on the iPod right now? I WILL FIND YOU by EnyaWhen writers are starting in this biz, they probably don’t think too much beyond that first US sale, but selling translation rights can be as equally important (which is one of the reasons I think that… MORE