Pub Rants

Response Speak

STATUS: Heading out to dinner with an agent friend who is in town. What’s playing on the iPod right now? HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO by Frou Frou Form response:Don’t interpret anything. It could mean just about anything under the sun. Form response with personal commentSubmission was interesting enough for… MORE


Florida Attorney General Sues Scammer

STATUS: Today was all about foreign contracts. It’s been stunning. We’ve done 38 deals so far this year in foreign territories. Wow. What’s playing on the iPod right now? LEGS by ZZ TopAs I’ve been out of town, I haven’t been able to read my Publishers Lunch daily. This morning… MORE


The Risk of Pitching A Memoir

STATUS: I always enjoy doing my local conferences so it’s no surprise that this afternoon that I find myself at the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Conference. Two conferences back to back, glutton for punishment I guess. Grin.What’s playing on the iPod right now? DON’T SPEAK by No DoubtLast conference blog… MORE


Glazed Like Doughnuts

STATUS: Back in Denver after a red-eye flight. A little bleary.What’s playing on the iPod right now? YOU’LL THINK OF ME by Keith UrbanLast year it felt like I had done about 8 conferences too many. Big Grin here. So this year I was very careful on how many I… MORE