Pub Rants

Beyond The Call Of Agent Duty

STATUS: Yesterday, one blog commenter said they didn’t want to hear any more doom and gloom so in good news, I’ve done three deals in the past 2 weeks for already established clients. All six figure deals. That’s positive. What’s playing on the iPod right now? YOU’RE THE ONE THAT… MORE


Bad Sign Of The Times

STATUS: Hooray. Only 199 emails in the inbox. What’s playing on the iPod right now? EXILE by Enya Several years ago, I had a project out on submission for one my clients. An editor had called me on Wednesday to discuss the format, the title, how to publish the book… MORE


10 Sample Page NOs and Why

STATUS: First day back in the office is always crazy, crazy. I did three phone conferences, accounting, and solved a few key issues that cropped up today. What’s playing on the iPod right now? THE MAIN THING by Roxy Music On the plane back from DC, I read 10 different… MORE


Wrapping Up RWA

STATUS: Travel day as I head back to Denver from D.C.What’s playing on the iPod right now? BABYLON by David Gray 1. All the romance editors I talked to mentioned that they were still buying projects (and I spoke to several from each house). So nice to hear when other… MORE