Pub Rants

One Path to Career Suicide

STATUS: Yes, I know. I didn’t blog yesterday. I got back to the hotel too late to form a coherent sentence. I’ll try and make up for it tonight.What’s playing on the iPod right now? WICKED GAME by Chris IsaakHere’s a bonus tip garnered from an informal agents’ roundtable I… MORE


Home From Dallas

STATUS: This time I arrived in Dallas on time. I’ll take it. Several years ago for the Dallas RWA, my plane was supposed to arrive by 4 in the afternoon. I reached the hotel at 1 in the morning.What’s playing on the iPod right now? DOWNTOWN TRAIN by Rod Stewart… MORE


Public Service Message Take Two

STATUS: I’m off to RWA in Dallas tomorrow so it’s hard to say when I’ll be able to blog. I’ll do my best. What’s playing on the iPod right now? U CAN’T TOUCH THIS by M.C. Hammer This is for all soon-to-be published or already published authors. When you receive… MORE


Etiquette: Talking About Your Former Agent

STATUS: My hubby has been out of town all week but is finally back tonight. That puts me in a great mood. What’s playing on the iPod right now? SHE’S LIKE THE WIND by Patrick Swayze These blog postings might have several facets. We’ll see. A recent letter I received… MORE


A Two-Tiered System?

STATUS: It’s going to be quiet all week. Lots of editors aren’t in the office. I’m working on two submissions that are going out in the next 2 weeks. I am so excited about both that I can’t keep from bouncing in my seat while I write up the submit… MORE