Pub Rants

How Would You Describe A Dream Client?

STATUS: Starting negotiations tomorrow with S&S for clause 20—their Out of Print clause. This should be fun. The latest “official” word is that they are now willing to include revenue threshold language in the clause. And as reported on Publishers Lunch, rumor has it that S&S might reconsider their stance… MORE


What’s In A Speech?

STATUS: It looks like I’m finally going to go to bed before midnight tonight. First time all week. Yes!What’s playing on the iPod right now? Not listening to my shuffle at the moment. When asked in surveys about what people fear most, they reply with the following (and in this… MORE


Kristin Takes Manhattan

STATUS: I’m a ninny. You might laugh but I actually forgot to blog yesterday. I came back to my hotel room late (like close to midnight) and completely forgot about it. Sorry about that. What’s playing on the iPod right now? THINK I’M IN LOVE by Eddie Money And I’m… MORE