Pub Rants

Weight Of An E-Credit?

STATUS: Today I got a first look at our new sample pages upload database. Totally cool but it won’t be live until January 2007. We still need to work out a few kinks. The idea of going completely paperless is pretty exciting!What’s playing on the iPod right now? ALL MY… MORE


A Cautionary Tale

STATUS: It’s a Monday and the first day back after a holiday. Enough said.What’s playing on the iPod right now? WINDMILLS OF YOUR MIND by Sting Caution: titillating blog ahead? This weekend a librarian got a little eye-brow raising shock. She clicked on one of my authors old, outdated website… MORE


Just Thankful

STATUS: I’m one of those crazy people who will be at the airport and traveling on the same day as half the populace. I booked these tickets back in April and now I’m wondering why my hubby, Chutney, and I didn’t leave yesterday. Yep, she’s coming with. What’s playing on… MORE


Reverse Harbinger Of Doom?

STATUS: I’m doing great. Still working on a deal in process but hey, no one is going to be in the office tomorrow so it will just have to wait. The new network seems to be doing okay. I’ve caught a few minor glitches but minor they are so nothing… MORE


Network For The 21st Century

STATUS: Oh yes, it is super late a night but since it’s going to be a short blog week with the holiday and all, I didn’t want to miss today as well. What’s playing on the iPod right now? SAN ANDREAS FAULT by Natalie Merchant Today was the big conversion… MORE