Pub Rants

By Kristin Nelson & Angie Hodapp For Part 1, click here. For Part 2, click here. For Part 3, click here. Your opening pages might be in trouble if… #4) Your novel opens with a lengthy passage of “talking heads” dialogue.  Here’s what fascinates me: The openings we suggest that you avoid actually evolve out of a writer’s good… MORE


By Kristin Nelson & Angie Hodapp For the Part 1 of this article series, click here. For the Part 2 of this article series, click here. Angie Hodapp and I recently teamed up to bring wit and wisdom to writers who want to work on craft. During our workshop, we identified several story openings… MORE


By Kristin Nelson & Angie Hodapp For the Part 1 of this article series, click here. Angie Hodapp and I recently teamed up to bring wit and wisdom to writers working on craft. During our workshop, we identified story openings that usually spell trouble for aspiring writers looking for representation. In fact, we’re… MORE


By Kristin Nelson & Angie Hodapp Last month, Angie Hodapp and I co-taught an opening-pages workshop at a day-long education event for Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. First time ever Angie and I teamed up to hopefully bring wit and wisdom to writers who want to work on craft. We had an absolute blast. We identified… MORE